View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000002Seda's EnhancementsSecurity/Permissionspublic2024-12-09 12:21
ReporterSeda Assigned ToSeda  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionSE2024 
Target VersionSE2025Fixed in VersionSE2025 
Summary0000002: Harden Security of Default Configuration
DescriptionThe default configuration used to deploy Debian is based on conventions from 2012; nothing much has changed since then aside from slimming it down.

There are numerous security issues with this now, and this ticket is designed to track all of them so that they can be resolved in the next major release of SE.

Comment is invited.
Steps To ReproduceN/A
Additional InformationThis bug may link to other bugs.
TagsNo tags attached.


parent of 0000003 resolvedSeda SSH Hardening 



2024-04-20 19:24

administrator   ~0000006

All eCryptfs configurations are now considered obsolete and will be in-field replaced with fscrypt. An automated migration is not currently possible, so this will involve manual effort on each affected system.


2024-12-09 12:21

administrator   ~0000026

All of the required changes have been made to SE2025; and it is now using all upstream security configuration.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-06 16:14 Seda New Issue
2024-04-06 16:14 Seda Status new => assigned
2024-04-06 16:14 Seda Assigned To => Seda
2024-04-06 16:17 Seda Relationship added parent of 0000003
2024-04-20 19:24 Seda Note Added: 0000006
2024-12-09 12:21 Seda Status assigned => resolved
2024-12-09 12:21 Seda Resolution open => fixed
2024-12-09 12:21 Seda Fixed in Version => SE2025
2024-12-09 12:21 Seda Note Added: 0000026